Many healthcare providers have fallen victim to their online reputations not matching the quality of care they offer patients. This has the unfortunate effect of driving away some of your best prospective new patients.

  • 90% of Americans rely on online reviews when choosing a healthcare provider.
  • 47% of patients say they would go out of network for a similar doctor with better reviews.
  • 73% of patients say a minimum rating of 4 stars and up is necessary to consider a facility or physician.

Yet without a plan to manage your online reputation deliberately, it will often be only those few who had a bad experience who will take the time to write a review. That can cost your business in the form of losing patients, procedures, and referrals.

That’s why for a limited time, the Healthcare Marketing Team at PriceWeber is offering a free reputation checkup for qualified healthcare providers. Take the first step now and reserve your checkup by calling 502-499-4209 or filling in the form below for a quick response.