For almost two decades, Brad Mercer has expertly guided our B2B clients through changing times. Understanding that the difference between simply maintaining market share and achieving big sales goals lies in the details. Brad oversees both big-picture strategy and every critical detail that drives client success. Brad developed his keen skills during his college years handicapping the ponies at horse tracks across the country. This helped him learn how to see the big picture, plan the next move, and analyze the details.
At PriceWeber, Brad has always been a sure bet. He helped Cummins, Inc. grow from $5.7 billion in 2001 to over $18 billion in 2018 and helped guide Charah Solutions from $50 million annually in 2012 to a publicly traded company on the NYSE in 2018. In addition, Brad leads an exceptional team working on other B2B clients like Meritor, Zeon Chemicals, Nuvera Fuel Cells, Novelis, and Wabash National.
When Brad isn’t hard at work for his clients, he devotes significant time and energy to helping combat pediatric cancer by raising awareness and funds for research organizations and hospitals.