PriceWeber Announces Name for Popular 40-Foot-Tall Nutcracker; Meet Jingle GingerPants!
Drumroll, please! After thousands of online name suggestions and votes, PriceWeber’s popular 40-foot-nutcracker, located outside the marketing, public relations and advertising agency in Louisville, Kentucky, officially has a name – Jingle GingerPants! Vicki Robinson from Louisville submitted the winning name.
Since 2015, PriceWeber has transformed its belltower into the beloved but nameless nutcracker. PriceWeber held a week-long naming contest, seeking nominations from Kentucky residents and received more than 1,200 name suggestions. After narrowing down to their top five names – Beau of Louisville, Jingle GingerPants, Kringle McCrackle, Nutty Von Cracken, and Prince Weber – PriceWeber opened voting to the public on its social media pages for a week, and it was Jingle GingerPants all the way. The name received the most votes and is now the official name of the nutcracker.
“We knew that our nutcracker had become a holiday season tradition for local families, but we are truly surprised at the response to our naming contest.” said Fred Davis, CEO of PriceWeber. “Our business is about creativity, but you don’t have to work in advertising or marketing, or even be an adult, to exercise your creativity. Many of the nutcracker’s fans of all ages participated. The public has now spoken, and we are pleased to award the prize package to Vicki.”
Along with bragging rights, Robinson received a PriceWeber client appreciation prize package, which features items from several of the agency’s clients and is valued at an estimated $1,000. The package includes tasty treats from The Hershey Company and Amplify Snack Brands, a gift card to Homemade Ice Cream & Pie Kitchen, swag from the Louisville Regional Airport Authority, a water bottle courtesy of the Louisville Water Company, a family membership to the Louisville Zoo, a gift card to treat yourself at Tranquility Salon & Spa, and a canvas print of Muhammad Ali photographed and signed by PriceWeber’s award-winning photographer, Dan Dry.
Vicki Robinson and her husband, Jonathan, live in Middletown and have a two-year-old, Eli. They are expecting a baby girl in June. “We have lived in Middletown for three years and love seeing PriceWeber’s belltower transformed into the nutcracker every year. I can’t wait to take my son to see Jingle GingerPants and tell him mommy got to name it!”
Standing 39 feet and six inches tall, the nutcracker helps spread holiday cheer to travelers on Shelbyville Road in Louisville. Each year, PriceWeber has transformed its decommissioned belltower into the giant nutcracker, fully equipped with a moving jaw that can actually crack a nut.
The nutcracker was only the beginning of PriceWeber’s use of the belltower to promote clients and support community causes. The belltower has also displayed a giant red dress for the American Heart Association’s American Heart Month in February; featured local organ donor recipients, in collaboration with Kentucky Organ Donor Affiliates, for National Donate Life Month in April; become a giant s’more for National S’mores Day in August in honor of The Hershey Company; and displayed a pink ribbon for Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October.
To learn more about PriceWeber, visit priceweber.com.