Case Study

Kentucky Science Center

Website Rebuild and Media Plan

Kentucky Science Center Website Image


Kentucky Science Center joined forces with PriceWeber to transform the way the museum approached its marketing. Having relied heavily on print media for years, KSC couldn’t adequately assess data or properly align their marketing strategies with business goals. And while the museum’s website offered interesting content for a range of visitors, navigation issues and a challenging UX made it difficult to quickly locate resources by audience and program type.


PriceWeber and Kentucky Science Center worked together on a deep dive into audience research, resulting in an annualized media plan with a digital focus that enables the museum to reach target audiences where they’re already engaged. Analytics are fully deployed to measure advertising outcomes of events taking place throughout the year. PriceWeber and KSC also prioritized a complete overhaul of the museum’s website. The new site displays the best of KSC with clarity and style, while bringing a distinctive visual hierarchy to content, making information easier to navigate and creating a far more satisfying experience for online visitors.


Given that the museum’s website traffic has always been fairly robust, double-digit increases in the metrics listed above demonstrate that Kentucky Science Center is meeting their objectives.


increase in average monthly sessions/visits


increase in average monthly unique visitors/users


increase in monthly share of returning users