On Top Roofing Website and SEO Improvements

On Top Roofing found themselves growing rapidly through word of mouth and referral. Despite the rapid growth and success, they had a weak internet presence and almost no organic website traffic. They had just commissioned a Fiverr-contracted offshore freelancer to upgrade their site. The site was developed in a proprietary CMS and when it launched, the company was presented with an expensive hosting and web maintenance contract. The goal was to improve the site in a way that would drive organic search ranking, organic web traffic, and, ultimately, quality new customer leads.
First, PriceWeber’s development team recreated their site in WordPress and moved its hosting to WPEngine. This allowed for on-site content and metadata changes and updates to be made quickly, inexpensively, and routinely in a content management system built to be more visible to organic search.
We then:
- Conducted competitor site analysis to search and identify opportunities
- Set up Google Analytics for the company site and a Google Business Profile
- Optimized the Google Business Profile and secured a verification
- Optimized the homepage for organic search
- Created and optimized the Service Areas page
- Monitored performance on search and Google Business Profile
As a result, On Top Roofing saw a dramatic surge in organic raking search terms, which led to significant new organic web traffic and new customers that more than paid for their SEO investment.
increase in organic web traffic
increase in organic ranking terms
ROI from the new SEO leads generated