Illustration of bullseye target with arrow. Digital marketing strategy for financial services is important for depositor growth.

Driving Depositor Growth With a Targeted Digital Marketing Strategy for Financial Services

Discussions around digital marketing have left financial services marketers with a lot to keep up with as of late. While the robust landscape of tools that digital marketers have at their disposal is at an all-time high, the restrictions and policies affecting third-party data around online privacy have been evolving at an equally rapid rate. All this complexity and change may cause some financial institutions to ask if a highly targeted digital strategy is still necessary. The real question here might be whether niche digital targeting is simply a way to stretch your marketing budget or if it’s an impactful driver of customer growth. Our answer? It’s both! In this issue of Compound Interest, we’ll take a deeper look at what banks and credit unions might be missing out on if they don’t prioritize a targeted digital marketing strategy for financial services.

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Financial Services Branding for Traditional Institutions: Can You Bank On Your Brand?

For traditional banks and credit unions that enjoy strong name recognition, the value of their name carries equity. For many years, this has been a fixed dynamic that isn’t lost upon anyone in the industry. Over the last few years, traditional institutions have had to compete more and more for customers with non-traditional entrants to the industry. Conventional wisdom has been that this disruption means that traditional institutions should begin investing more in technology. But what should it mean for their marketing investment? In today’s edition of our Compound Interest newsletter, we’ll look at the value of financial services branding for traditional banks and credit unions. We’ll explore why your focus on innovation can’t come at the expense of your brand.

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Endless End-To-End Digital Engagement for Financial Services?

When it comes to overused phrases, “the possibilities are endless” ranks pretty high. However, for anyone talking about digital engagement for financial services the phrase isn’t hyperbole. If you’re aiming to deliver an end-to-end digital experience for your customers, then you know that it means not only thinking of everything, but also continuously analyzing and optimizing those things as well. Which is why a great end-to-end digital engagement strategy includes basically everything except for one thing: an end. In this edition of our Compound Interest series, we’ll dig into managing that seemingly endless cycle.

Young man wearing headphones and looking a credit card to represent Gen Z bank marketing

Gen Z Bank Marketing: 4 Insights for Financial Services

Effectively targeting and attracting Generation Z depositors must be a key component of bank marketing plans in the mid- and long-term. This is to replace the current boomer customer base as these consumers transition to drawing down assets in retirement. In this edition of our Compound Interest series, we’ll look at Gen Z bank marketing. We’ll help break down critical experiences, characteristics, and drivers for Generation Z that impact their decisions about financial services.

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6 min read
Dec 16, 2020
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5 Reasons Financial Institutions Must Curate Deeper Customer Relationships

In the competitive financial landscape, customer relationship management for financial services is a pivotal strategy for sustainable growth and success. As your financial institution navigates the evolving needs and expectations of your clientele, the imperative to foster deeper connections with customers has never been more pronounced. Beyond transactions, cultivating robust and enduring relationships is essential for your marketing success. In this edition of Compound Interest, we’ll touch on five key factors driving the urgency for customer relationship management for financial services like yours.

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Open Banking in the US: The Drivers and Barriers Financial Institutions Are Watching

Open banking is oftentimes perceived as a trend taking place in Europe but that is lacking adoption in the United States. The reality is that it is very much a part of the financial services landscape in the U.S., but its proliferation is driven by a different source than in Europe. Due to European regulators predicting a boom in open banking, the EU drafted PSD2 (Payment Services Directive 2) while the U.K. released their version known as OBI (Open Banking Implementation) in order to get in front of the phenomenon with regulations and guidelines.

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Small Bank Marketing: When You’re Battling Goliath, Think Like David

Community and regional banks facing competition from the bigger money center banks need to know how they can compete effectively and win. If they try to fight the same way as the giants, they will get overpowered and definitely overspent. But if they think like a smaller bank, they’re nimble and responsive enough to compete successfully. So, how do smaller banks prevail? They think like David.

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Digital Ads for Financial Services: Follow the Money

Ad dollars are on the move in the financial space—increasingly shifting from traditional to digital, specifically to mobile. While financial services have historically relied on more traditional vehicles, times are indeed changing. In this edition of the Compound Interest series, we’ll discuss why it is time to look at digital ads for financial services and how to do it.