We understand that to succeed in manufacturing, each organization needs a strong brand, a superior reputation, and a steady stream of leads to keep the assembly line rolling. We achieve this for our clients through extensive customer insights research, a disciplined understanding of each client’s unique industry as well as the factors that influence it, an understanding of the competitive set, and deep relationships with trade media. This allows PriceWeber’s Manufacturing Marketing team to cut through the web of complicated sales channels that challenge our manufacturing clients. We zero in on the exact right audience and ensure that they receive the right message to lead them along the buying journey to an order. This helps us achieve the ultimate goal for our clients—shareholder value—year after year.
The PriceWeber manufacturing marketing practice dates back to our first day in business in 1968. It includes manufacturing clients in OEM trucking and aftermarket parts, aerospace, elastomers and polymers, industrial refrigeration, and the specialty chemicals vertical.
Whether you need to communicate with end users, customers, or distributors, it’s important to hit the right tone and deliver the right message for both you and them. Our research and insights team can provide you with the ammunition you need to hit the target every time.
We have relationships with virtually every trade publication around. When that’s the right channel, our media team will deliver. However, your customers are human, too. Our media team will go beyond expected channels to help you efficiently reach customers across the right media channels to deliver the messages, content, and materials you need them to have to make a smart decision about your brand.
Because no two business challenges are the same, our team offers a full suite of B2B lead generation service options from email and content marketing, SEO, CRM integration, PPC, webinars, podcasts, geofencing, social media, trade show mining and lead magnets.
B2B business communication in manufacturing doesn’t always look like “normal” consumer advertising. Whether you need a long-form training video, animation, downloadable material data spec sheets, or just great display advertising, our creatives know how to capture your voice and vision in a way that resonates with customers.
From glossy portfolios for your premium product sales calls to annual reports and ESG reports for Wall Street, your collateral still says a lot about your brand to the stakeholders that grease the wheels. With our expertise in manufacturing marketing, we ensure your message on materials is both powerful and precisely targeted.
Our PR team understands how to build relationships with trade and general media outlets. We can help your brand and key executives get featured more often. Earned media is one of the best values around and one of the most trusted channels for brands.
Social media for manufacturing isn’t about the latest TikTok dance. It’s about relating to your customers one-on-one and one-to-many with important developments. Our social media marketing team can help you use social to monitor customer sentiment, listen for key insights and ultimately drive your business in a way that other channels cannot.
Your website can’t just be an electronic brochure anymore. Customers expect access to data, opportunities to engage, chatbots, and, depending on your vertical, to have a smooth online ordering experience. Let our digital experts help you raise the performance bar on your website.
Sales meetings, press events, and trade shows all have one thing in common: the ability to drive sales faster and more efficiently than almost any other marketing channel in your vertical. So whether you need to make a splash at a live event or have the resources to succeed in a virtual conference, our team has the experience to make it happen.
Our design and insights teams combine to deliver great brand experiences for customers whether you are starting from scratch or need a new brand architecture for your hundred-year-old company.
Our photographers and videographers are not afraid to get their hands dirty. We’ve crawled through factory floors and set up on construction sites, and our drones have buzzed everywhere else. When you need shiny, clean product photography, our 6,000-square-foot studio was built to accommodate anything from brake pads to 1.5-ton truck engines. And if that’s not enough, we have full in-house 3D animation for anything else you can imagine.
Brands we’ve worked with