
Our latest thinking on issues that matter most in marketing and business.


Does Your Personal Injury Law Firm Know Your Potential SEO Cost per Case and ROI?

The value that SEO contributes to personal injury law firms is undeniable. However, measuring ROI and cost per signed case can be a challenge. Not understanding possible cost per case and ROI for SEO can lead to not truly understanding how SEO is contributing to your overall marketing mix and signed cases. In this Plain Talk edition, we’ll cover how personal injury law firms may be able to measure ROI from SEO, how firms can begin to understand cost-per-case values from organic search, and additional perspectives on how to best evaluate your marketing return.

PriceWeber PriceWeber
14 min read
Mar 08, 2024
Two computer screens showing legal graphs and charts, representing SEO for personal injury

Why Does SEO for Personal Injury Lawyers Matter (And What Am I Getting Out of My Investment)?

The process of getting that organic traffic, search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the hottest and often misunderstood topics in personal injury marketing. So, it’s only natural for your firm to occasionally ask, “What am I getting for that monthly SEO expense?” In this edition of Plain Talk, we’ll look at how well-done, cost-effective SEO for personal injury can help build revenue for your firm and how you can maximize the value of online organic search.

PriceWeber PriceWeber
11 min read
Feb 27, 2024
Hand holding Whack-A-Mole mallet, representing SEO competitor analysis for competitive blunting

The SEO Competitor Analysis: How To Use SEO for Competitive Blunting

When it comes to SEO and digital marketing, knowing your competition can mean the difference between smashing success and devastating defeat. But take heart. You need not fear the search results of a hundred organic competitors ranking above you. (See what I did there?) In this edition of Plain Talk, we’ll discuss competitive blunting through an SEO lens, how to leverage an SEO competitor analysis, and creative strategies to help you conquer your corner of the digital realm.

The letters CRM and different items representing implementing a CRM system

The Dos and Don’ts of Implementing a CRM System

As a full-service agency with more than 80 clients, we often get asked our opinions on which CRM solution is best for a given client’s situation or if a certain CRM software is any good. While we have our favorites and can often provide insights on which is best for a client’s needs, the answer is they are all pretty good. The secret to getting results from your new CRM is in its implementation! In this edition of Plain Talk, join us as we take a deep dive into implementing a CRM system the right way.

Female gamer surrounded by icons representing Twitch marketing

Is Your Digital Marketing Plan Missing Twitch?

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, platforms continually evolve. With over 140 million monthly active users, Twitch has emerged as a powerhouse for brands seeking to engage with diverse audiences under the age of 45. In this edition of Plain Talk, we’ll explore Twitch marketing in depth and help you decide if it’s right for your brand.

Kelly Beam Kelly Beam
13 min read
Jan 19, 2024
Two robots representing Google Gemini

Is Google Gemini the New CHATGPT? An Interview With Google Bard

On December 6, members of Google’s “Internal Access” program (early adopters, influencers, employees, and researchers) flooded the web with videos of Gemini as the “CHATGPT slayer.” And then, just as suddenly, it fell silent as the public availability of Gemini was pushed to a later date in 2024. With details of the sudden change limited in online searches, we looked for answers by interviewing the one source we were confident would have the answers, Google Bard. In this edition of Plain Talk, we’ll find out what Bard had to say about the Gemini launch and the future of AI in marketing applications.

Hands holding in a heart shape representing nonprofit-corporate partnerships

Perfect Pairings: The Importance of Finding the Right Nonprofit-Corporate Partnerships

Peanut butter and jelly. Taylor and Travis. Sun and sand. Coca-Cola and the Olympics. Lowes and Building Homes for Heroes. Some things just go better together. For nonprofits and corporations yet to form a strategic alliance, a considerable opportunity awaits. There are many obvious (and less obvious) benefits, including brand perception, social impact, improved employee retention, and heightened community engagement. Forming the right partnership can provide incredibly important benefits to both the nonprofit and the corporate sponsor. In this edition of Plain Talk, we’ll delve into nonprofit-corporate partnerships. Find out why nonprofits and corporations should partner, why these relationships are mutually beneficial, and learn what criteria each should consider in their selection.

Connor Hughes Connor Hughes
11 min read
Dec 18, 2023
A collection of different icons and symbols representing silent attrition in the banking industry

Silent Attrition: 5 Ways Primary Banks Can Combat the Threat

Silent attrition, also referred to as silent switching or silent churn, is when customers of a bank fragment their banking activities by using secondary institutions for financial services offered by their primary institution. This growing phenomenon is tough to detect because the customer doesn’t close their account at their main institution, so unlike when a customer moves their account from one primary bank to another, the losses incurred from silent switching are more gradual and frequently fly under the radar. In this Compound Interest, we’ll examine silent attrition and what to do when customers stop doing business without closing the relationship.

TikTok logo with influencer, representing the benefits of infomercials on platforms like TikTok

Is TikTok the New Platform for Infomercials?

You may be as surprised as I was to find out that the infomercial industry is said to have generated nearly $250 billion in sales globally in 2022. Why are brands still resorting to decades-old sales tactics when there are so many options to promote their products online and through social? And why is this throwback approach still working for some brands? In this Plain Talk, we’ll look at old-school infomercials and how you can leverage the benefits of using infomercials for your brand.

A sheep in a wolf costume, representing the importance of brand authenticity

The Critical Importance of Brand Authenticity

In Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad (1886), the Supreme Court held that the Fourteenth Amendment applied to corporations, legally establishing what is referred to as corporate personhood.
While this decision was based strictly on legal reasons, nowhere does the personhood of a corporation ring truer than in its brand. In this edition of Plain Talk, we’ll look at three famous quotes about the importance of personal authenticity and apply them to brand authenticity.